Building the Future: How PLOT Harnesses SkyFi Satellite Imagery for Enhanced Job Site Oversight

4 min read

In the world of construction, having accurate and up-to-date information is vital for successful project management. PLOT, a leading provider of construction planning software, realized the need for high-resolution and recent satellite imagery to effectively manage job sites. However, their existing imagery fell short in providing the necessary level of detail and timeliness. By partnering with SkyFi, a provider of high-quality Earth observation imagery, PLOT was able to overcome these obstacles and significantly improve their job site oversight capabilities.

Our clients are literally changing the face of the earth and therefore they need custom, ad hoc, immediacy in their imagery that only SkyFi has been able to deliver.
Chris Callan
CEO & Founder

Overcoming Limitations and Gaining an Edge:

PLOT's previous struggles with outdated satellite imagery limited their ability to assess site conditions, track changes, and provide clients with the most up-to-date information. "Most of our job sites have integrated some level of drone program because it is a problem that is so necessary, difficult, and worthwhile. SkyFi has made it so easy to acquire recent satellite imagery that we are already seeing the need for drone flights and processing being pulled back," Chris said.

PLOT – Sample Jobsite
PLOT – Sample Jobsite

Benefits and Results:

Improved Job Site Oversight: With the higher resolution imagery from SkyFi, PLOT's construction software could now offer detailed views of the job sites, including precise building footprints, roadways, and other essential features. This enhanced oversight empowered PLOT to closely monitor site conditions and make informed decisions throughout the construction process.

Value-Added Products: By integrating SkyFi's imagery into their software, PLOT expanded their service offerings. Chris shared, "SkyFi gets us a good image of what our job sites look like today, not six months ago. So we can direct people to the reality that is the present." PLOT utilized the accurate and up-to-date imagery to offer value-added products such as  Jobsite Logistics Maps and comprehensive reports, further enhancing their clients' experience and setting them apart from competitors.

Efficient Communication and Collaboration: The availability of current and detailed satellite imagery facilitated better communication with clients and stakeholders. "PLOT could easily share visual representations of the job sites, illustrating progress, challenges, and proposed solutions," emphasized Chris. Transparent and efficient communication fostered trust, collaboration, and streamlined decision-making throughout the construction process.

Looking Ahead:

The partnership between PLOT and SkyFi marked a turning point in the construction industry. By integrating SkyFi's satellite imagery into their construction software, PLOT not only overcame the limitations they faced but also embraced innovation and forward-thinking practices. The combination of high-resolution imagery, enhanced pricing accuracy, value-added products, and improved communication capabilities propelled PLOT to the forefront of their industry.

In the words of Chris, "These are easy wins for us. When anything is simple and obvious, that's something I lean into heavily." As PLOT continues to leverage the power of SkyFi's satellite imagery, their construction software remains a cornerstone for professionals seeking efficient project management, accurate cost estimation, and unparalleled client satisfaction.

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